Amazing Facts :-
1. Kangaroos cannot walk
2. The hair of an adult man
or woman can stretch 25 percent of its length without breaking.
3. Venus is the only planet
that rotates clockwise.
4. When a giraffe’s
baby is born it falls from a height of six feet, normally without being hurt
5. The first animals
tamed and kept for milk and meet were goats and sheep.
6. Tungsten has a very high
melting point.
7. Meteors burn up in
the atmosphere and filter down to earth as dust.
8. Metal pipes often burst when
the water inside them turn to ice.
9. No trees dies of old
age, They are generally killed by insects, disease or by people.
10. Healthy nails grow about
2cms. Each year.
11. Trees grow from top not
from the bottom.
12. The quality of wool is
determined by the following factor : fiber diameter, crimp, yield, color and
staple strength.
13. Tiger can run with three
legs in the air simultaneously.
14. Atiger tail can be up to
one third of its total body length.
15. Tiger have eyes that are
the brightest of any other animal in the world.
16. Dolphins sleep with one
eye open.
17. “ Rythem” is the longest
English word without a vowel.
18. “ Queue” is the only word
in the English language that is pronounced in the same way even when the last
four letter are removed.
19. Owl is the only bird which
can see the color blue.
20. There is a butterfly in
brazil who has the smell and colour of chocolates.
21. Rat can survive without
water longer than camels.
22. A fly flaps its wings at
the rate of 330 strokes a second.
23. The Human heart pumps 1.5
million gallons of blood a year.
24. ‘School’ comes from the
Greek Word ‘Skhole’ which means ‘Leisure’.
25. The lead in the average
pencil will draw a line 35 miles long.
26. A 17 year old girl of
Miami, Florida started to sneeze on 4th. January 1966 and continued
until 8 June 1966
27. The original name of the
telephone was ‘ harmonic telegraph”
28. The strawberry is the only
fruit that has its seeds on the outside.
29. Giraffes often sleep for
only 20 minutes a day and never never lie down
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